Friday, February 17, 2006

Random Thoughts & Unsent Letters...

You asked me what I see in you..... I never gave you an answer. Contrary to your claim as being a simple man, you are far more complex. I see many things in you. Like what you see in me, I see part of myself in you, too. We are different in a lot of ways, and yet so alike in many other ways. I guess we're like yin & yang... Complimenting each other's ways effortlessly. I see in you a goodness that you are unaware of. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you are not bad & perverted as how you think you are. I see a kind, generous, caring man that not a lot of people get to see. I've had the privilege of geting to know you sans the masks you wear. I like the person beneath all those masks the most. That is what drew me most to you...

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