Saturday, December 09, 2006

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

It's the first time in almost 3 years that I'll be spending Christmas here at home. The house looks chaotic because of my mom's business. Boxes of the products that she sells are stocked up in every corner of our house. No room for Christmas decor save for Christmas lights and lanterns lining the fence & gate, and some dotting her plants and trees.

I don't care much for decors but I do miss our Christmas tree.

It doesn't matter. For some weird reason, I feel more Christmas-y than how I felt during the past couple of years.

Maybe it's because I finally had the courage to submit a resignation letter, quit my toxic job, have a normal schedule, sleep better, and see my friends.

Maybe it's because I've made a lot of new friends this year and couldn't be happier with that area of my life.

Maybe it's because we have a new addition to our family.

Maybe it's because bits and pieces in my life are slowly but surely falling into place.

Or maybe it's all of those.

I can't be more grateful for everything that's happened this year. It has been a gruelling year, full of trials, tears, hardwork. But all of those doesn't matter because what's important are the lessons I have learned, the knowledge I have gained & the friends that I met.

I couldn't be happier... I have never been happier.

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