Saturday, December 09, 2006

Christmas Wishlist

A blog wouldn't be complete without a Christmas wishlist.

Says who?!

I told my friend Faye that the only reason why people post their wishlist on the web or in their respective blogs is so other people would know what to give to them for Christmas.

I think it defeats the purpose of sincere gift-giving. I like to be surprised by gifts people give to me.

I don't like the idea of posting a list for other people to buy. I'm the type of person who makes a list because I WANT TO BUY THOSE THINGS FOR MYSELF WITH MY OWN MONEY!

So in the spirit of Christmas. Wait, what I meant was in the spirit of hypocrisy, here's my own wishlist:

THINGS I WANT TO BUY/HAVE FOR MYSELF (not necessarily just for Christmas & in no particular order):

1. A black Hummer 1. (Of course I have to save for this. It'll probably take a lifetime but damnit I will have my Hummer!)
2. 20 pairs of custom-made Jimmy Choos.
3. A lifetime supply of Bread Pan! (Green or Red, I don't care! It's a cheap treat and it tastes yummy! No wonder it's always out-of-stock.)
4. A lifetime supply of Berri's Dark Grape Juice.
5. A lifetime supply of Eng Bee Tin's Hopia & Pork Kikiam. (You can't expect me to go to Binondo all the time just to get them... I still find the place scary!)
6. To be able to drive Michael Schumacher's F1 race car. Even for just a couple of minutes.
7. All the books in the world! Hardbound first editions of course! I've already started collecting them but.....
8. .....I want my own circular library.....
9. .....decorated with rare Gustav Klimt posters & prints.....
10. .....and with a chandelier right smack in the middle of the room made entirely of white & red Murano beads.

I'll keep my list short. Frankly, I forgot what other things I like.

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