Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fascinations, Part 1

From now on, I'm going o be writing about things that fascinate me...


I've always been fascinated with ghosts, ghost stories, scary movies, haunted houses, witches, vampires, you name it. I remember watching those crappy horror movies back in the 80's when I was a kid. Scared shitless but loving it. I also remember wanting to become a vampire back when I started reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. I also am fascinated with death.

I don't have a clue why I'm fascinated though. My friends find it morbid. Maybe it's more of me wanting to discover more of what's unknown. I'm a logical person and I guess it's me wanting to find logic where logic doesn't exist(?).

I guess it also has something to do with personal experiences like me being able to see spirits, ghosts, entities. Yes..... I'm one of those people who can see. I don't claim to have esp or to be a clairvoyant. I just can. That's it.

I remember watching tv and seeing little things running around the floor playing peekaboo with each other.

I remember seeing a kid sitting on top of the stairs at our old house, crying and thinking. Mind you, there are no kids in the house. Just me, my parents, my sister (who was I think 14 back then), and my great aunt.

I remember being attacked by an entity in my room and had scratches the next day to prove I wasn't having a nightmare or was hallucinating.

I remember hearing my name being called when there's no one around me.

I can go on and on about all of the experiences I've had but..... nevermind.

I was scared out of my wits at first. I thought I was going crazy. My parents always told me I have a hyperactive imagination. Once I've gotten over my fear, I found it kind of cool, although not that amusing.

I have a psychic friend who taught me how to meditate and control. He also taught me how to read people. When I say read people, I mean read how they think, what they're thinking, how they are as a person.

I've been researching on clairvoyance, meditation, the occult, paranormal for quite some time now. Whenever I read whatever material I can find, especially on the internet, it makes a skeptic out of me more than a believer.

My psychic friend told me to research on Franz Bardon and his methods. So far, it's been interesting, albeit being a bit cerebral even for me (Bardon's methods). Once I finish up on what I'm reading, and as soon as I find more time, I'm gonna go ahead and write more about this fascination which I think will never go away.

1 comment:

Quentin said...

You know what I think? There probably is a reason why humans were originally incapable of seeing/sensing ghosts.

Some sort of paranormal order in things.