Friday, April 22, 2005

Feeling triumphant

I never thought I'd last 6 months at work, but I did it! Somehow I feel triumphant because I'm doing something totally different from what I normally do. It just feels good to know you can be good at something else.

Let's see if I'll last a year...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Bad, But So Damn Beautiful...

Bad because you don't love me
Bad because you never touch me
Bad because you have a mouth
Bad because whenever you please

Bas as lies
Bad breath, constipation
Bad as censorship
As a bald rat in garbage
Bad as poverty
As a driver's license photo
Bas as a rubber check
As smacking your granny

Bad as trichinosis Bad as a hit man
Bad as spiders
Bad and full of cunning

Bad as order, decency, or a good conscience
Bad wherever you look
Bad as a throbbing root canal
Bad as a rusty nail
Bad as a Czech film
Bad as a cold soup
Bad as the end of the century

Bad by nature
Bad from head to foot
Bad, bad, bad
Bad, but so damn beautiful


May I Never Die, May I Never Disappear.

I am drunk, crying, filled with grief,
Thinking, speaking,
And this I finde inside:
May I never die,
May I never disappear.
There, where there is no death,
There, where death is conquered,
Let it be there that I go.
May I never die,
May I never disappear.

Ms. "Cantares mexicanos," fol. 17 v.
Trece Poetas del Mundo Azteca
Miguel Leon-Portilla